Organic sustainable feast, rally

Class today. A bit uncomfortable for some reason. Listened mostly, not sure if there was anything I could offer today. Didn’t read Malcolm X biography. Read about W.E.B. DuBois in high school, I think. Starting from scratch in this class. That’s a good thing. I’m here to learn, after all.Rally! Organizers say 350,000 – news says tens of thousands, police say 200,000. Barbara Lee, Bonnie Raitt, Martin Sheen. Market St was apparently full from Embarcadero to Civic Center. Can’t wait for the next march. I’ll be in Seattle – hopefully they’ll have something put together.

I almost feel hogtied a bit because I have a foot in the mainstream capitalist world, and one in a behind-the-scenes activist sort of way. It’s difficult because I don’t feel I connect with the protest movement today, yet I’m a part of it, even if in a small way. But I’m not a socialist, an anarchist, a communist. I do believe in the system of government we have. It’s just it needs a bit of fixing, but I don’t believe a complete overhaul, but then my opinion is based on my experience.

I went to an organic dinner in a “painted lady” house. It was probably the first night I’ve ever felt really welcome in San Francisco. I met a lot of wonderful people, and all of the food was organic and locally grown – nothing traveled further than 150 miles to be at the table. We had a bit of booze, all of us, and played Cranium in the living room. My social self can flourish here under the proper circumstances. Maybe these weekend trips to SF are the best way to establish a foothold in the city eventually. Build a community from another city? Why not?