
Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger used to be in the Hitler Youth? He was a long-shot, too, on the CBS Sports Line Pope-a-palooza. Mark Morford from the San Francisco Chronicle has 14 thoughts for the new Pope, Benedict XVI.

You’d think that this cautionary tale would be enough to deter even the most desperate mobe-lifter, but they obviously don’t read Jamaica’s Western Mirror in Romania, because light-fingered Ruxandra Gardian has been snared by the same “let’s dial the number and see where she’s stashed it” ploy.
The Register ponders a place where women shouldn’t put a stolen mobile phone.

How to translate the press release for Adobe’s Macromedia acquisition.

Don’t complain if you’re sleepy during jury duty.

The CDC says if you’re overweight (but not obese), you have a better chance of survival than a normal weight person.