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M E D I A   G U I D E
  Media Guide

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Independent media outlets bring you the stories that don't make it past corporate filters. Find a TV show, radio program or newssheet that suits your information needs.

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television | internet | print | film/video | radio

Updated july 21, 1998


Blackchair Productions
What: Independent Exposure, a critically acclaimed monthly local and national screening program of aggressively indie short videos, films, and computer art from around the globe.

911 Media Arts
What: Seattle’s one-stop media center supporting indie film, video and multimedia artists with new technology tools, workshops and screenings.

Seattle Independent Film and Video Consortium (SIFVC)
What: Multi-membered group of arts, video and film groups organized for unified press activities, monthly salons, video-sharing, et cetera.

A service of the Seattle Independent Media Coalition. This site is a service designed, compiled and maintained by Citizen Vagrom. Questions about the site? Email citizen@speakeasy.org.