Point Break LIVE!

With Hillary Clinton selling her millionth copy of “Living History“, Tucker Carlson owed up respectfully to his bet to eat his shoe. The shoe was delivered by Clinton herself on Wednesday’s episode of Crossfire, in the form of a shoe-shaped cake.

You’ve seen the movie, now see POINT BREAK… LIVE!

Point Break LIVE!

Why the question mark? “There will be a different person playing the Keanu Reeves/Johnny Utah character each night. That’s right, 8 different Keanus! Man or woman can win, but each night it’s gonna be somebody else! The contestants will be selected at the Capitol Hill Block Party on Saturday the 12th.”

Worldcom was fined $750 million by the SEC. Bernie Ebbers remains uncharged.

Stephen Hawking says the dance moves of Tiger, a stripper, were wonderful.

Clark Humphrey’s MiscMedia has a great photo of an accessory for the Hummer.

Inspired by Darpa’s Total (now Terrorist) Information Awareness project, someone has created an open-source Government Information Awareness program.