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C I T I Z E N  V A G R O M



P A S T  I S S U E S
1998 | 1997 | 1996

august 1997
Citizen Vagrom, the information subway, finishes off 3 years of hand-made media with a H O T ! August '97 issue.

According to the recent book, * Take the Rich Off Welfare * (Odonian Press), our federal deficit is $117 Billion a year, and corporate welfare is $448 Billion; in other words, we could eliminate our deficit overnight by reducing corporate welfare by 26%...

* s e x * s e x * s e x * s e x * s e x *

Take the Rich Off Welfare
Vagrom cameras take to the street to ask citizens why mainstream media and our politicians spend more time talking about cutting health care for senior citizens and food stamps for kids instead of cutting welfare for companies like McDonalds and McBoeing.

Also featured this month, male prostitution in Paris, France, sex industry workers in Seattle, a short computer animated work starring Slugs, and much, much more!

Corporate Welfare Archives
Deface the Nation - on Mayor Norm Rice's assistance in procurring HUD dollars for the needy Nordstrom family's move into the Frederick and Nelson building.

Independent Film:
Boundary Mavericks. From "Planet Street", a short documentary on the life of two male prostitutes offers a new angle into the emerging global glamor economy and an ageless profession; and from Kari Lerum, who brought us "Pirate Radio Seattle", a look into the taboos and identity politics of Seattle Sex Industry Workers.

Slugmation. Courtesy of Offline - computer animated conflict between indigenous slimy things and oreo cookies, by Stan Bowman.

Hanford Nukes Reprise. Network X covers clean-up reversal at Hanford to begin Tritium production.

Independent Music:
Stella - From Beggar's Banquet Records, a new single called "the word".





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We are a member of the Seattle Independent Media Coalition