Welcome to
C I T I Z E N  V A G R O M



E R R O L ' S  F A B L E

Not so long ago, a concerned citizen by the name of Errol Vagrom looked out over a media-landscape only to see mayhem and disaster, tabloid trials, and a constant bombardment of messages telling him that "having" something or other would solve some sort of problem.

The sight began to make him ill. So he decided to do something about it.

"People don't want materialist propaganda and a feeling of fear and helplessness," said Errol. "As citizens of a so-called democratic nation, we deserve the right to be informed. Public airwaves ought to serve public interests instead of private profit margins. The handful of multinational corporations that dominate what we see and hear should take heed: WE DON'T WANT WHAT YOU'RE DISHING OUT AND WE'RE NOT GOING TO STAND FOR IT ANYMORE!"

So he got a couple of old TV sets, some odds and some ends, and started making what he hoped would become Citizen Owned and Operated Media. And he called it:

Citizen Vagrom

Release yourself from the candy-coated grip of conspicuous corporate media consumption...

don't kill your television!
use it!

atSend a personal message
to Micro-media Guru Errol Vagrom!




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Citizen Vagrom
0000 East Madison
Seattle WA 00000
206 000 0000

We are a member of the Seattle Independent Media Coalition